The other day I was doing some preparatory work for the start of my Wallet Apprentice Course, the next class I am about to take as a part of Vin Armani’s Bitcoin Mystery School. The past two years have taught me that building parallel economies isn’t just a fun side project for libertarian LARPer; rather, it’s absolutely essential for anyone who doesn’t want to become completely ensnared in the encroaching technocratic medical apartheid system.
Somehow the recognition of this has earned me the “black pilled” label by some, but I digress, as that’s not the point of this particular post.
I have zero history in computer programming, and found myself having trouble even just downloading and setting up the software I needed to use for the course. It was a frustrating experience even just following some of the initial instructions, and I thought to myself at times “should I even be taking this course if I can't even handle getting set up?”
But I persisted. I asked for help. Sometimes the answers to my questions would feel like they were in Chinese, as I am literally learning a new language; essentially, I am learning how to think in programming. I was feeling like a freshman on the football team getting hazed by seniors, only the seniors in this case were computer programs.
Eventually, I got through everything I needed to do - not because it was easy, but because it was important to me.
Was I going to let a few frustrating moments deter me from taking steps to building a better path for my family? Fuck no.
None of this stuff comes naturally to me. I am half-jokingly referred to as the “Boomer” of Lions of Liberty for my frequent technical mishaps and difficulties navigating what seems like even the most basically technical tasks at times. Learning to podcast itself was quite a process, one that was often frustrating, especially while staring at the early, nearly non existent download numbers.
But nevertheless, I persisted, because I felt I was doing something important.
Believe it or not there were hardly any libertarian podcasts when I launched the Lions of Liberty podcast over 8 years ago. I saw a real gap when it came to interesting conversations about the ideas of liberty in the podcast world, so I soldiered on. Again, I got through it because it was important to me.
So figure out what’s important to you, and if you persist through it, you will see results. Simply the act of persisting and immersing yourself in something new is what bears fruit.
I almost forgot that half the reason I wrote this was to promote the audio I dropped today on my solo Lions of Liberty with Marc Clair podcast feed, but it’s an appropriate tie in. This was my appearance on Counterflow with Buck Johnson from Sayulita, Mexico, in which Buck interviewed myself and Liberty Lockdown’s Clint Russell about our respective exits from California.
There’s a theme that ties in here, but I’m gonna let you find it.
Check out all of my projects below:
Lions of Liberty, where I facilitate conversations with the hopes of inspiring others to achieve more liberty in their lives.
Second Print Comics podcast, where myself and Remso Martinez take a weekly look at the comic book characters, storylines and events that shaped our fandom.
Thinking about starting a podcast? Already have one? Book a podcast consulting call with yours truly to get yourself on the right track, and learn to grow your show without wasting precious time. Or just drop me an email to discuss more!
The Expat Money Show - This isn’t my project, but I’m thrilled that I’ve gotten to work directly with my friend Mikkel Thorup to help grow this show over the past few months. I believe greatly in what Mikkel is doing - helping others to achieve greater liberty in their lives by exploring opportunities to live and invest abroad - and helping grow this program has been a true joy. I also get to help moderate The Expat Money Forum on Facebook - check it out!