The fine folks at Media Matters have recently done the yeoman’s work of compiling a list of podcasts and podcast guests that are spreading “misinformation” about COVID and COVID vaccines. And finally, Lions of Liberty has made the big time and made the list of podcasts that are currently spreading “misinformation” (aka anything that doesn’t fit the narrative of *today* - even if it will later be accepted as the narrative tomorrow.)
Before I go further, I’d like to point out that this “in depth” article took SIX - yes, SIX - entire human beings to write.
The article listed Lions of Liberty on the list of podcasts that have spread COVID misinformation due to my interview with Del Bigtree, which they very kindly linked to!
We were listed among many well known names including Robert Kennedy, Jr., Glenn Beck and others, so I’m quite frankly flattered and thankful for the publicity!
Note that, in the article, not a single point by Bigtree is actually countered with any sort of facts or data; rather it is simply “debunked.”
For obvious reason, my interview with Del wasn’t on Youtube, but you can find my interview with Del Bigtree on well…Spotify, and other podcast platforms, or right here on Odysee!