Don't Start the Day in Chaos
I’ve recently been struggling with the conflict between my desire to wake up early and the desire to start the day in peace. I’ve traditionally never been anything close to a “morning” person, but as I described to Kyle Matovcik on his show “In Liberty and Health”, I have found that I have a much more peaceful and productive day when I start my day early in the morning and by following a routine which includes some combination of meditation, affirmations, visualization, reading, writing (here we are!) and exercise.
When I start my day doing all of this before say 9 am or so, my day unfolds in a remarkably different way than when I decide to sleep in or skip my routine or just get wrapped up in something else for some reason.
To even get to this point I had to try to break the hardest bad habit I had developed over the last few years: looking at my phone first thing in the morning.
I used to have notifications on for everything: Text, Whatsapp, Email, Facebook, Twitter. And I would routinely start my day going through all of these while still in bed, oftentimes superseding whatever activity I had planned to do that morning (often “morning workout” - the absolute easiest thing to cross off your schedule when you are the only one holding yourself accountable.)
Doing this essentially guaranteed that I would start every single day in COMPLETE CHAOS - thinking about everything I had to do, everyone I had to respond to, and every worry out there in the world. There is no universe where I need to know that Will Smith slapped Chris Rock in the face before I need to give my own mind time to rest and before I have done what my body needs to get through a day with minimal stress. (Yes, even I still falter when it comes to Twitter…as always I am preaching to myself more than anyone else here.)
If there is one, very simple change you can make in your life to make yourself more productive it is simply this: Do. Not. Start. Your. Day. In. CHAOS. This all but ensures a chaotic day.
Instead, give your mind and body the gift of some peace and stress relief before you get into the chaos of the world. For me, mediation and exercise are absolutely essential activities that not only do I need to thrive throughout the day, but they are exactly what my mind and body deserve before I task them with carrying me throughout all the activities I’m going to put them through that day.
I was so glad to get the chance to touch on the topic of health and my own routine in my interview recent with Kyle Matovcik on his show “In Liberty and Health".” Check it out and give this fine young man a much earned subscribe!
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