A Call to Action Pt. 1a: Sweep Every Day
You have to do more than just pick up the broom once...
A few weeks ago I started my Call to Action series in response to criticisms of this post, in which I warn of what is to come as the COVID compliance regime “winds down” just in time to get us ready for the CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies.) The criticisms, which I found to be valid, were mostly centered around the lack of a call to action in the post itself. So I have embarked on a journey to lay out much more specific calls to action I feel people should be taking to protect themselves from what’s to come.
Before we go further, I must take a break to plug this recent Lions of Liberty episode with my friend Tobias Ruck, which breaks down the coming CBDC slavery system and how to free yourself from it.
In Part 1 “Pick Up a Broom”, I lay out the case that one needs to - both metaphorically and literally - start by getting their own house in order. It’s the Jordan Peterson “Clean Your Room" meme, essentially. But just like when you literally pick up a broom and clean your room, the job isn’t done that day. In fact, the job is never done. The room always needs to be cleaned again.
I have long excelled at “picking up the broom.” I am fairly adept at looking around, seeing what areas of my life I need to improve upon, and taking action to towards those ends. Earlier this year, with the help of my wife who often doubles as my life coach, I made steps to get more organized in my day to day activities. I started literally typing up a schedule for each day of the week, and every morning I sit down and start going through each item. Sometimes an item gets moved off the schedule, sometimes I get ahead and add another task or some leisure time to read or watch something that takes my mind out of the daily business.
But sometimes I fall off. Sometimes I wake up and say “fuck it, there’s no schedule today.” And maybe I get a few things done that day. Maybe I don’t. It’s easy to pick the broom up one day, but it’s even easier to put it back down for a week.
Setting yourself up for success in life isn’t just about coming up with the Plan to kick ass on Day 1. It’s about setting ups systems that ensure you’ll you pick up that broom every single day and keep sweeping, because the house is never fully clean. And by the time you’ve cleaned the entire house, sure enough there will be a corner, somewhere, gathering dust yet again.
This is all a long way of saying “the work never ends.” Set yourself up for success ever day in whatever ways you can - physical, mental, spiritual, entrepreneurial. But realize the work is never done.
This post was inspired partially by a recent episode of my friend Mikkel Thorup’s podcast The Expat Money Show. In this episode titled “Ninety-Four Things I Do to Set Myself Up for Success”, Mikkel literally lays out his entire day and all of the little actions he takes to set himself up to be as productive as possible.
It’s truly incredible to me how Mikkel has organized so many aspects of his life to turn himself into a hyper-productive machine. Despite being two years my younger, I very much look at this young whipper snapper as a mentor, and now thanks to this episode the entire world has access to the secrets of his success. I can’t recommend it highly enough!
Check out the full episode right here or by finding the Expat Money Show on your favorite podcatcher! It’s easy to listen while sweeping :)