After my post earlier in the week entitled Are you feeling comfortable?, more than one person I respect mentioned to me that what was missing from this post was a specific call to action. If it came from one person I might just blow them off, but TWO!? Ok, maybe they have a point.
On many of my recent podcasts appearances such as on my friend Pete Quinones’ show a few weeks ago as well as through much of my writing of late, I have been emphasizing a sense of urgency for people to improve their own personal situations. It is my strongly held belief that the COVID compliance regime was merely Phase 1 of “The Great Reset”, and that there is much worse to come on the horizon, particularly in the form of CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies). When I say “belief”, this is not something I’ve dreamed up. I am merely taking the word of the actual actors involved (they have a book and a podcast for fuck’s sake) along with the very clear patterns that have played out throughout human history that very much apply to today.
Speaking about this has had many in the Liberty Twitterverse and beyond refer to me as “black pilled” - which I have addressed before.
But I concur with my friendly critics - there is only so much of “pointing out the problem” one can do without laying out clear calls to action for others to take. So today, I begin to lay out those calls.
This morning I got up and did something I haven’t done in a long time. I looked around at my bedroom and decided it was too messy, picked up a broom and started cleaning. Usually I just ignore the mess and thankfully have an incredible wife that usually tidies up before I ever think twice about it. But for whatever reason, today I decided “I am going to clean my room!”
I couldn’t help but hear the voice of 2017 Jordan Peterson (before whatever demons haunt him now turned him into well…something else) in my head, whose “clean your room” mantra has become somewhat of a meme over the years. But it’s always rung true to me, both as a metaphor and as a literal call to action.
If you can’t even clean up the literal mess around you - or the metaphorical mess in your own mind, body and/or soul - then you are not going to be in a position to take the proper, rational actions you will need to in the world that is to come.
I realize that when I say this sort of thing it can come across as preachy, or like I have it all figured out. So let me just say right now: I don’t.
In the last six months I have made life decisions and dealt with various issues that have been extremely difficult. I have given up tens of thousands of dollars in guaranteed, easy income, while at the same time dealing with immigration issues so that my entire family can at least have the option of returning to the United States if and when we please. None of it has been easy, or comfortable.
But it’s also allowed me the opportunity - for the first time in maybe my entire life - to truly take a step back and look at my “room.” To see what parts of the room are messier and need cleaning. I am in the best shape I’ve been in physically since I initially lost about 30 pounds when I spent several months on furlough from my job during the initial lockdowns in Spring of 2020. That was the first time I began to realize that the life I was living - while comfortable - was not fulfilling, nor was it leading me down the right path.
When I write about this stuff or go ranting on podcasts, the main person I’m speaking to isn’t anyone on the other end of the broadcast or reading this at home - it’s the Man in the Mirror. I am speaking more to myself than I am to anyone else out there. I am getting myself on the record, for Present and Future Marc to look and say “this guy’s right, I have more cleaning to do.”
There are many facets to explore in terms of “cleaning your own room.” But it’s nearly impossible to separate the physical, mental and spiritual. They all play off of each other.
So start with what you can control.
Move your body every day. Lift heavy things. Get sun. Stop putting processed garbage into your body and pretending it’s nourishment. Meditate. Pray. Listen to music. Read inspirational works.
If this sounds like hippie-dippie bullshit, I’m here to tell you that once in a while, hippie-dippie bullshit isn’t total bullshit.
This isn’t the sort of call to action either of my critics were looking for (though I will get to those in future posts), but it’s absolutely the first place to start.
So get out of bed, take a look at the man in the mirror, look around that room of yours, and pick up that damn broom and start cleaning.
Bonus points if you listen to this song while you do it.
If you like the cut of my jib, check out Lions of Liberty with Marc Clair or for my comic book takes check out the Second Print Comics podcast. And if you’re thinking of starting your own podcast or looking to grow it, book a podcasting consultation with yours truly!